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Jasmine’s Experience with EMSculpt – Honest ReviewSlim Studio

EMSculpt is an FDA cleared, painless, non-invasive and clinically proven treatment that helps strengthen, tone and firm the abdomen, buttocks (yes, the booty!), biceps, triceps & calves! When treating the abs & glutes, each 30-minute session is the equivalent of doing 20,000 sit-ups or 20,000 squats! I know, HOW is this possible!?

Well, the E-M in emsculpt stands for electromagnetic – this means a magnet is being used to stimulate the area to force a muscle contraction (like a sit-up). Clinical trials have proven that patients who received the procedure saw a 19 percent reduction in fat in the abdomen and a 16 percent increase in muscle mass. The greatest news – there have been no reported side effects from EMSculpt treatments! Unlike many places, Slim Studio also offers same day consultation and treatment! During the FREE consultation you can decide what bothers you the most and get it sculpted. The procedure is very pleasant and non-surgical which means NO downtime and you’re ready to get back to work.

Slim Studio Atlanta EmSculpt patient Jasmine

I’ve always been relatively in shape, but since leaving college & no longer being forced to do ab workouts (#tphi) I have noticed a change in my middle region. Look at these before photos I snapped on my phone. Needless to say, I was super excited to try EMSculpt & increase the muscles in my abdomen while decreasing the fat at the SAME TIME!


Building muscle while getting rid of fat or just building muscle which in my case was great – reduce fat and build muscle in the tummy area, goodbye fupa.  It means you can actually sculpt your abs/glutes/quads/arms by building muscle and losing fat cells. In addition to the abdomen, you can build muscle with EMSculpt in your glutes, biceps, triceps, and calves!

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Now let’s talk about the facility and the staff. I LOVE the staff at Slim Studio Bodysculpting! Each time I visit I am treated with so much care and given special attention. They are all so attentive and make me feel so comfortable each step of the way. Not to mention that the facility is beautiful and is always clean! Each detail is very well thought out down to Slim Studio proving the outfit for me to wear during my procedure – which was great because that’s one less thing to pack with me!

The staff is also the friendliest and most knowledgeable I have experienced. I especially loved the fact that each person who administered my treatment had also had or tried the EMSculpt procedure and could offer tips or suggestions to make the process go by quicker and easier. One professional even sat with me and counted the time in between the EMSculpt contractions. Other times I was also able to watch tv during the procedure which made the time pass faster as well.

Be sure to follow me on my journey on Instagram @jasminehasclout and check Slim Studio online out @slimstudiobodysculpting as well! If you want more information on this non-surgical procedure and Slim Studio Bodysculpting  & all of their services by visiting And because I love you, go to my exclusive VIP link for a special discount AND to get your FREE consultation!

Influencer Jasminehasclout after EmSculpt treatment

After Emsculpt

4 weeks after my treatment I had a NOTICEABLY flatter and more defined stomach



Check out my Slim Studio Instagram stories (follow me @jasminehasclout) for behind the scenes of my initial consultation and session. Feel free to ask me questions about the procedure in the comments below too!


It’s easy to get started on your face and body sculpting journey. Your first step is to schedule a complimentary consultation at Slim Studio. You will find our staff warm, friendly, and eager to help you attain your face and body sculpting goals.

56 E Andrews Dr NW, Upper Level, Suite 11, Atlanta, GA 30305

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